
Color Him Skeptical


It is not surprising that Jim Crandall, as travel editor of a magazine devoted to the World Wide Web, would suggest getting “timely information” via Web sites (“Finding Fall Leaves,” Letters, Oct. 29).

He talks about using cyberspace to locate where and when the best foliage colors will appear. He then urges us to book a New England inn now for the autumn, 1996, foliage season. But he doesn’t seem aware of the inconsistency of his suggestions. When and where the best foliage colors will appear depends on when and where the first frosts will occur. Booking now may put you a state or two away from where you would want to be. Another case of too much cyber-enthusiasm?


Redondo Beach

Editor’s note: Norman Lobsenz may be right about the frost, but many lodgings in prime leef-peeping country are booked months before the beginning of fall.
