
Medicare Reform


Re “Medicare Reform? GOP Didn’t Go Far Enough,” Opinion, Dec. 10:

Linda Killian did not go far enough in describing the changes needed in Medicare funding. Medicare Part B subsidizes doctor visits and prescription drugs. Seventy percent of the cost is paid from the general fund. No Medicare tax money goes to support this. These expenditure add directly to the deficit.

A major cost factor is that Medicare Part B is not means-tested--the same benefit is afforded all regardless of their financial status. Rather than borrow from future generations to subsidize medical care for all the elderly, wouldn’t it make more sense to raise the deductible for the more affluent?

Based on my present cost of insurance at age 63, I suggest that a deductible of not less than 1% nor more than 2% of gross income, with a cap of $2,000, be instituted. This change would reduce the need to increase premiums and reduce the subsidy to the more affluent who don’t really need financial assistance.



United Californians for Tax Reform

Costa Mesa
