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Most letters to Santa are pleas for Power Rangers, dolls, bikes or puppies. But some are more serious, for families having tough times. The neediest letters received by the U.S. Postal Service are sent to volunteers willing to provide help. Here’s a sampling of this year’s mail, with the kids’ spelling and grammar retained to capture the children’s unique style. Those wishing to help may call (818) 718-0148.


Dear Santa,

I love Christmas because it is Jesus’s birthday.

This is my first time that I write you a letter.

I would like to ask you for a few things.

The Power Rangers toys.

A swimming doll for my little sister.

More clothes.

A Pocahantas doll for my sister.

Peace on earth.

Nintendo game for me.

Health for all my family.

Help me to be a good boy and learn everything at school.

A dog.

Food and clothes for all the people that does not have money.

Thank you Santa for everything. I’ll always believe in you.

From Alberto


Dear St. Nicholas,

I am 7 years old. I am good. How are you? I love you and I believe in you. You are nise. I like you very, very much. You are the best. Are you rich? and are you real? I think you are real. You are cool to me. How come I can’t see you? How old are you? St. Nicholas, can I have a doll, any doll. I am fine. How mini elves do you have? You are good I know that. Do you have a family? Will I like you?



Dear Santa,

This year all I want is my dog back, please.

You see, he got out the other day, because the door wasn’t closed all the way. So him and the other dogs took off. They pushed open the door and ran out. We maneged to get Cleo and Gretchen back, but we couldn’t find Rafiki anywhere. So all I want this year, for Christmas, is Rafiki. No toys, movies, etc. Just my dog. Thanks.




Dear Santa Clause,

This is what I would like for Christmas. Lip balm, underwear, earrings, necklesises, pens, gum, note-pades, a new Diary from Hello Kitty, a mini t.v., Dolls like Twetty bird, glider nail polish like purple glider nail polish and that’s pretty much it and also sorry for the miss spelling. I’m not a real good speller.

And what I want form you is a bell of your slight. I have been asking for a bell of your sleight for a long time. Maybe I’ll get it this year.




Dear Santa,

For Christmas I want the singing frog from Loony Toons. The second thing I want is the Polls Pocket Mansion. The 3 thing I wand is a new camra, and I wand a bath tub Cabis Pach Kid. The things I want in my stoking are some rins pops and one of those Little Poll table for kids that you gave me before. Thanks Santa. I’ll leave you some mile and cookies. I wont stay up to see you because you mite get suspicious. I’ll try to be as good as I can.


Your friend,


P.S. I want the little cartridges for my new computer.


Dear Santa Claus,

How are you doing? We love you. My name is Joey, my brother John and I wanted to write you a letter. We hope we were good enough this year to get gifts instead of coal? If so, I would like in-line skates for Christmas. My brother John wants a Power Ranger flashlight. Please come to our house. We will leave you cookies and milk on the table. We live at Toro Canyon Park.

Thank you Santa Claus.


Joe and John


Dear Santa,

How are you doing? I’m fine. I was wondering if you got my letter. You know the bike I want for Christmas. I’d like it like what I said in my last letter. But I don’t want it an adult bike. (OK) I had a cuple of questions for you.

How do you go around the world in one night? How can you tell what we’re doing? Why do elfs have pointed ears? Where in the north pole is your house, and work shop?


I hope I didn’t ask too many questions. Also sence you live in a tundra can send me some infortation on the tundra?

P.S. Please write back,




Dear Santa,

Please give presents to the people on the street if you can find any one. Please write back.

Your friend



Dear Santa,

I would like Killer Instinct and Donkey Kong land for Game Boy. I also like Madden football 96 and ice hockey for my Sega. But what I would like most of all is a Game Boy for the games that I said I want. But if you don’t give me anything, I will understand because there other people besides me and they mite need it more than me.




Dear Santa,

How are you and how are the reindeer? How is the workshop? My sister, Denise would like a puppy, and she would like a wood puzzle. We would like Misty to have kittens. I would like a house with a yard, where it is safe to play and no guns and no gang members. We would like sweaters for the winter because it is getting cold, if you have any. Me and Denise would like some surprizes too. I would like some homework. I am in the first grade and I turned 6 September 13, 1995. My mom is teaching me.

I love you,



Dear Santa,

I know that I’m a little bit early but this is not about presents. You see, my friends next door, Huong and Nam, never get presents by you. Every year they get really sad so I am writing you this letter, so can you try really hard to come to their house and get them some things they want this Christmas.



P.S. Please write back


Dear Santa,

All I want for Cristmas is my cat Arthur. Please find him.



Dear Santa,

My name is Megan and I don’t want anything for Cristmas because I ow my mom and dad $171.75 for a plumming bill. I was lazy and dumped all the litter in the litter box into the toilet instead of just the clumps. So please don’t send me anything for Cristmas.





Dear Santa Claus,

I really believe you.

I love you even, please, I hope you read my note to you. Please bring me a

* creepy crawler set

* Gooey Louie

* 13 dead end drive

* Haunted Highway

* Computer

* And Santa Claus some of my friends at school don’t believe in you but I believe you so much. I love you more than anybody else in the world.



Dear Santa Claus,

I like you alot!

I would like a pair of roller blades & teacher barbie or a new bike like Kayce but I want a white, pink, blue and purple bike. I want to know if you are real because I heard a lot of thearies. About the rollerblades. I would like bladerunner by roller blade. I would be a help to me. Have I been good this year? How are all the reindeer? Give all of them a kiss from me. Write back.



Dear Santa Clause,

My name is Hector and my sister name is Erendira. My parents don’t have money this year. I would like to have for my sister one barby and candys and for me I would like to have one big airplane and some candys. I hope you are not to busy. Don’t forget please. WE wish merry Christmas and happy new year.

Your friends,

Hector and Erendira


Dear Santa Clause,

Did you have a good summer? How is your wife? All I want for Christmas is a magic set. And when you come to my house make sure you say your name is Jesse because if you don’t tell that to my dog he might bight you. And when you do that say it’s OK Buster to make sure he dosn’t bight you.

From Jesse

P.S. I like the way you make your work shop and merry Christmas and a happy new year.


Dear Santa,

My name is Angela and for Christmas I would like a Barbie Jeep. I will be good to my litter sister. Her name is Alyssa. The jeep is the only thing I really want, and I promise to share it with my sister. I’ll teach her to push the pedal. As she gets older, I will teach her how to ride it. I promise I will.




Dear Santa Clause,

I would like 5 things for Christmas. I wonder if the Santa Clause at the mall is your helper? I wish that I could see your rinadeers. I’m going to give you some cooks and milk on Christmas. I been a good girl this year. I’m going to put out 8 carrts for your riandeers. You deserve a present for giveing children toys, books, clothes and games.


I would like these things for Christmas:

1. baby born.

2. The barbie min van.

3. Stroller barbie Kelly.

4. Caroling fun barbie.

5. bath oils.

6. picness birde.




Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a amplifier and nine dollars please. I would like that!




Dear Santa,

I want to see you very badly. I’ll be in Tennessee again this year. I get teased for believing in you! I’m going to warn you, my folks don’t leave milk and cookies, so don’t start looking! I’m not sure if they have a chimney, but don’t come through the front front door, my brother’s a light sleeper. Now, down to business. I would like to get the birthday part of Felicity in the American Girls colection. I’d also like the room and stuff. I’d also like the Braiding Phocahantas.





Dear Santa,

I’ve been very naughty. I don’t deserve any presents. I asked you for a puppy, Baby Coochy Coo, new shoes, a bike for Jennie and a teddy bear.

I will change before Christmas. I’m going to share my toys, being nice, will not race, listen to everyone and just be good.

I’m sorry Santa. Please only come my house if I’m good. If not, give my toys to someone who deserves it.




Dear Santa Clause,

I don’t want anything much for Christmas this year. All I want is a puppy that’s well traned so my dad wont give it away. If that’s to much I want a fake diomend neclace or real.




Dear Santa Clause,

I wonder what you are doing? I hope you have a nice time giving present out. I like your clothes and the rainders. Is it really cold there? Have you been here before? Do you have any pets like a cat or a dog? What are the rainders name? Do you have a Christmas tree? Where did you get it from?


From James

Your a cool guy.


Dear Cantaclas,

I hope I’ve ban a good gril. I love you. I hope you can brig me lasts of prasitsn this yire. I will have a kuple of friends over in the plase ware the tree is so if you wahnt you can put the prasits ware you put tham last year or you can put tham in the plaes ware the tree is. I love you.


