Linda H. C. Walker; Actress Starred in Roy Rogers Westerns
Linda Hayes Crosby Walker, 73, who acted in Westerns with cowboy singing star Roy Rogers. As Linda Hayes, she was a contract player with RKO in the 1940s and was the leading lady of about 30 motion pictures. She starred opposite Rogers in five Westerns and with George Sanders in the 1941 film, “The Saint in Palm Springs.” A native of Sac City, Iowa, Walker grew up in Pasadena and studied theater at the Pasadena Playhouse. She was an accomplished athlete, earning the California State Skeet Shooting Championship, a place on the California State Championship Bowling Team, and the Marlboro Award for her work as co-founder and president of the Pasadena-Foothill Tennis Patrons Assn. On Dec. 19 in Palm Desert of pneumonia.