
THE GOODS : ECONOTES : Your Christmas Tree as Part of the Landscape


Even if you celebrated all 12 days of Christmas, the holiday is finished and so, undoubtedly, is your Christmas tree. But no matter how dead it looks, you can extend its usefulness by taking it to a Los Angeles County Christmas tree recycling site.

For residents who don’t have a curbside recycling program, the county is operating 18 drop-off sites Saturday and Sunday.

Not only are the dropped-off trees diverted from the landfill, said Kimberly Lyman of the Environmental Programs Division, they are ground into wood chips and put to work. “They’re used for compost, mulch and as a cover in landfills,” Lyman said. “They’re also used in landscape projects along local freeways and in garden projects. They help with weed abatement and retaining moisture in the soil.”


The county implemented drop-offs in 1991 with seven sites. That year 5,183 trees were chipped. This year’s program, which started last weekend, has already brought in 5,600 trees with many more expected.

Lyman emphasized that the sites accept only Christmas trees, not shrubbery that may have been blown down by recent high winds. Residents are asked to remove the tree stand, nails and any decorations. For location of the sites, call (800) 552-5218.
