
The So-Called Net?


Maybe it only feels as if everyone born since Richard Nixon fled the White House consumes an awesome number of hours surfing the Internet.

Spin magazine’s annual poll of its mostly youthful readers found that they consider Kurt Cobain the “voice of our generation” and teenager Claire Danes (“My So-Called Life”) the best TV actor/actress.

But when asked to vote for the best online music site, their No. 1 pick was: Don’t know. Followed by No. 4: No computer.


(In between were the magazine’s own SPINonline and MTV’s Web site.)

They probably wouldn’t be too interested then in the latest World Wide Web entry from a Los Angeles celebrity with a recognizable name.

Zev Yaroslavsky, one of the five elected Los Angeles County supervisors, has joined the rush of politicos to the Internet. His web site--ZevLink you might say--is at:
