
PAPER CHASE: Getting a college degree isn’t...


PAPER CHASE: Getting a college degree isn’t enough to guarantee a good income. According to the U. S. Census, certain majors lead to more money, above. . . . With that in mind, we checked to see what some Cal State Northridge grads can expect to earn. CSUN’s 1,002 biology majors can expect to earn $1,990 per month, and the 1,347 psychology majors will make $1,974. The highest earners will be CSUN’s 1,046 engineering students at $3,189, and the lowest will be the 1,005 education majors, who can expect just $1,699.

REAL ESTATE: Many have tried, but few have succeeded in predicting the fate of real estate prices. Two professors say prices in the Los Angeles area will rise slightly over the next year, but economist Jack Kyser says they won’t. Who’s right? See Valley Business, page D11A. . . . “I have a basic skepticism about such predictions,” Kyser said.

RUN RAGGED: The day after the Los Angeles Marathon, participants nursed their wounds. Some offices reported lower attendance among marathoners Monday, and masseurs say they expect business to be up all week as aches and pains start settling in. . . . Cynthia Dahl, a Studio City masseuse who worked the race Sunday, said she handed out more than 40 business cards and performed about a dozen short massages on the spot. Malina Shirley of Burbank Spa, Sauna & Massage said the racers have already started staggering in: “This one guy was walking and he was pretty stiff.”


MY FOOT: As the week passes, marathoners will continue to experience some classic runner’s injuries, said orthopedist Richard Kertzner of Woodland Hills. . . . Many find themselves facing blisters, broken blood vessels under their toenails, chronic heel pain and tendinitis. . . . And those aching legs? That’s because of lots of little tears in muscle fibers, rehabilitation specialist Dr. David Haberman said.
