
Race for D.A.


Your March 17 editorial endorsing John Lynch is a contradiction within itself. You write off Malcolm Jordan because of the negativity of his advertising, his lack of a vision and the failure to specifically address the issues. Yet your editorial consisted of negative comments about four of the candidates and a few glowing statements about the candidate you endorsed. There was no evidence shown to support your conclusions, no details about that candidate’s vision for the office, nor any comments about his ideas in the areas where you thought the current district attorney, Gil Garcetti, was lacking.

As a former deputy district attorney in Los Angeles, I know four of the five candidates running (I do not know Steve Zand), and there is no question but that Garcetti is the most qualified.


Huntington Beach

* I agree with The Times that “Garcetti has made many positive contributions to local law enforcement and has proven himself to be a tireless worker with a broad vision.” I also agree that his record of accomplishment in domestic violence, hate crimes, environmental prosecutions, among others, speaks well for his first term.


Like The Times, I do not believe that the results of a few high-profile trials should determine our next district attorney. It’s the day-to-day performance and vision backing up that performance that count.

Finally, while I understand that the “three-strikes” law remains controversial, and that I have expressed reservations over the fact that the law was enacted without providing the resources necessary to address the consequences of the law, I see no problem with Garcetti’s enforcement of it.

Having worked closely with Garcetti, I join with the Professional Peace Officers’ Assn. of Los Angeles County in urging the residents to reelect Garcetti.


Los Angeles County

* As incumbents, Lynch and Garcetti have both failed to alleviate the public’s perception of high crime on our unsafe streets. They have had their days in court, so to speak, and have lost.

We desperately need a leader who will reclaim our city and make it safe again. Jordan, with his successful and tireless 27-year history of combating crime, is he most qualified candidate.

