
MainPlace Expansion Wins Final Approval


The city’s upscale MainPlace mall has won final approval for an expansion that will include increasing the size of the Robinsons-May department store and a new 14-plex theater showing first-run movies.

The mall, which already includes a six-screen theater operated by AMC, also would boast a new restaurant and banking facilities as a result of the 130,000-square-foot expansion. The mall is now 1.1 million square feet and would increase in size by 11% to about 1.25 million square feet.

At issue before the City Council was whether to waive parking, landscape and setback requirements.


Robyn Uptegraff, executive director of planning for the mall, told the council the requirements should be waived because they were drawn up with small businesses in mind. The council agreed with her recommendation on a 4-0 vote.

Councilman Thomas E. Lutz was absent and Councilmen Ted R. Moreno and Tony Espinoza abstained because the cameras that normally broadcast city meetings on cable television were not working.


Coming Soon

City Approves 14- screen theater expansion.
