
Seniors / Achievements, activities


Residents 55 and older are being sought to help stop illegal dumping of motor oil in the city.

Volunteers will be asked to make presentations to schools and corporations and identify new collection centers. Organizers are asking volunteers to donate two to 20 hours a week of their time.

City officials said the volunteers are needed because of the serious adverse effects of illegal dumping.


When motor oil is poured on the ground, in the trash or on streets, for example, it can contaminate local ground water and seep into drinking supplies.

Such incidents increased by 64% in 1994, officials said, causing alarm because Anaheim draws more than 75% of its drinking water from local wells.

The effort to stop illegal dumping, Groundwater Guardian Program, is sponsored by the city’s Public Utilities Department, the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program and the California Integrated Waste Management Board.

Those interested in joining the year-old program may call (714) 953-5757 for more information.
