
Immigration Bills in Washington


Regarding your May 6 editorial, “Strong Immigration Bills Still Carry a Few Burs,” in particular the restrictions of illegal aliens attending our schools:

Should these children be in our schools at all? No. The argument that the children have no control over their status is an excuse and is a ploy to gather sympathy. I agree that the children do not initiate this illegal act. But their parents have a responsibility to their children, just as a parent is responsible if their child commits a crime.

The schools are suffering. Our American children are suffering. The children of illegal suffer. Do I have sympathy for the children? Of course. But not at the expense of my children’s education and my education tax money.




* About 35 years ago, when I came to this country as an immigrant, at the U.S. embassy that gave me the legal resident visa I was sworn in and asked not to become a public burden once I arrived in the states. I promised not to, the same as all my immigrant friends did. So you can see, nothing has changed, as is stated in your editorial.

At the time, it made a lot of sense to me that I had the obligation to give to my new country, not to take anything from it. I was not invited to come to the United States. I came because I wanted to, so I did not expect anything special from anyone. No other country has ever been so generous as this one. Unfortunately, that generosity at times has gone to unbelievable limits--to the point of becoming self-destructive.


Palos Verdes Estates
