
Activist Michael Taylor

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* Your article on “activist” Michael Taylor moves me to write (“Radio Host’s Death Linked to Equipment Dispute,” May 21).

In typical Times fashion, you try to canonize the former drug addict and organizer of “rallies in support of imprisoned Philadelphia journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal.” Jamal is a convicted cop killer, and the evidence of his guilt is simply overwhelming. Yet Taylor and other leftists, aided and abetted by liberal media like The Times, have made him some sort of counterculture hero. One suspects that it is precisely his manifest guilt--and his crime of killing a police officer--which makes Mumia so appealing.

This country has suffered for decades from anti-American “activists” promoting socialism, “identity politics” and other causes that erode our social stability. Taylor--and Mumia--are two such activists. Glorifying a ruthless murderer like Mumia is perfectly in character for Taylor--and, sadly, The Times.



