
Commencement Speeches


In Arianna Huffington’s diatribe (Column Right, May 26), she takes a firm stand against speakers who make political references during graduation ceremonies (truly one of the pressing issues of our day). She is especially rankled by folks like Robert Redford, who spoke critically of politicians who “decimate public education, poison our air and water, jeopardize the health and safety of children, infringe our right to creative expression.”

Redford’s speech must have hit a little too close to home for Huffington and her party--she refers to it as “a tired compendium of yesterday’s political platitudes.” Really? When did those issues become passe? If Redford represents yesterday’s politics, and Huffington represents today’s, give me the good old days.


Los Angeles

* Lighten up, Arianna Huffington! Our Constitution guarantees us freedoms of speech and assembly. Words of wisdom can come from many forms of life, even if it is from a lowly frog (Kermit).


This is more than I can say about most people.


La Mirada
