
Anna Kerr

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Thank you very much for your article on Anna Kerr and the Malawi mission (“A Shining Light: A remote East African hospital will soon have electricity, thanks to a retired schoolteacher in Hollywood,” June 19). I have had no contact with this remarkable lady since she and I retired from teaching at Norwalk High School three years ago.

I remember Kerr as a legendary teacher of English literature. Her colleagues had a deep, almost mystical respect for her. Her students were in awe of her. (My brash, straight-A seniors might cut corners on their preparation for my government class, but the prospect of a “Kerr test” would plunge them into a terrified frenzy of academic concentration.) She inspired and expected respect and she got it. But I also knew her as a sensitive lady who cared passionately about the literary heritage of our society. She is one of the finest teachers I have known--and I have known many.

However disadvantaged it may be in other ways, Malawi is remarkably fortunate to have in the service of its people the iron will, the dedication and the incisive and rational mind of Kerr. She is more than a credit to our profession and to her church and faith. She symbolizes all those qualities of which our civilization can be most proud.



