
From Tijuana: Just Say No! to Injustice

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Tijuana No, one of Mexico’s most popular--and angriest--alternative rock bands, will headline an underground-flavored concert Friday night at the Saddleback Inn in Santa Ana.

The 7-year-old sextet from Tijuana is known as much for its explosive live act as for its hard-core music and politically charged lyrics that slice at injustice like a razor (a song attacking California Proposition 187 is called “Gringos Ku Klux Klanes”).

The band has been on tour in Europe, having recorded its latest album--”Transgressores de La Ley” (Transgressors of the Law)--in Spain last year with members of Negu Gorriak, Basque musicians with separatist sentiments.


Tijuana No’s music is a pastiche of ska, salsa, reggae, rap and World Beat on a punk canvas. A blend of male and female voices--Teca Garcia, Luis Guereno and Cecilia Bastida are the singers--adds to the various layers and shades, which help keep the band on the frontier of alternative rock en espanol.

Aurora Negra, a local act that combines an early Manchester sound with hard-core/grunge guitars, also is on the bill, playing on its home turf for the first time this year. Other opening acts include B.A.S. (Brutal Agrecion Social), Tijuana No’s countrymen; and Solaz, a dark alternative rock outfit from Los Angeles.

* Who: Tijuana No and guests.

* When: Friday at 8 p.m.

* Where: El Pirata Nightclub at the Saddleback Inn, 1660 E. 1st St., Santa Ana.

* Whereabouts: Take the 1st Street exit from the Santa Ana (5) Freeway and head west. The hotel is at the corner of 1st and Lyon Street, across from the Santa Ana Zoo.


* Wherewithal: $15 at the door, $12 today at Samara Musical record stores, 220 W. 1st St., Santa Ana, and 588 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa.

* Where to call: (714) 547-9454.
