
The Times’ Series on GOP in O.C.


Is your five-day series “Republican Reign” in Orange County really news? Everyone over the age of 7 knows that the majority of Orange County supports a 73-year-old, card-carrying National Rifle Assn. member who has strong ties to the tobacco industry. He speaks of less government but will tell a woman and her doctor what she should do with her baby.

It appears that wealth and conservatism go together. Therefore, I must thank Democratic U.S. Sens. Dianne Feinstein, John Kerry and Edward M. Kennedy for having a more tolerant, unselfish point of view.


San Clemente

* Just when I thought America’s new motto had become “every man for himself,” The Times article profiled two county millionaires, Howard F. Ahmanson Jr. and state Senate Republican Leader Rob Hurtt, who use their money to advance an ideal (“Bankrolling Their Beliefs,” July 8). Imagine, not just using money to get more money but actually spending it to promote politics that respect their conservative values. We need more citizens who are willing to devote time, energy and money to advance the American system of government rather than those who just offer criticism with no alternative solution to problems.



Newport Beach

* So Assemblyman Scott Baugh’s former campaign treasurer allegedly lied initially to protect his boss and now he’s coming clean (“Baugh Launches Counterattack on Witness, D.A.,” July 12).

Of course, to protect his boss, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Huntington Beach), and the Orange County political machine run by Buck Johns and his buddies in the Lincoln Club, Baugh will have to do lots of maneuvering.

I hope this issue brings out the fact that the people are not in charge of their representatives--the “good old boy” network is.

I sure wish Haydee Tillotson would have stayed in the Assembly race. This is a woman who has a proven track record of public service and is dedicated to sincerely helping others.

I’d like to know what rock the Republican Party turned over to find Scott Baugh. We all lose when political hacks take over the system--and this is just one small example!


Huntington Beach

* Lately, every morning I wake up, put on my clothes, walk outside to get my copy of The Times, start to read the front page and break out in a state of journalistic confusion. Why? Because every morning you are running what appears to be a pro-Republican Party mission.


The Register has been doing that for 40 years, which may account for why Orange County is such a politically unbalanced county! So I guess the only question is: Are you now a quasi-agent of the Republican Party also?

One of the main reasons that I have continued to subscribe to The Times is that I do not believe that I can get journalistic balance by reading the Register.

Political power is greatly influenced by journalists. There’s no question about that.

Don’t you see the wisdom of pursuing journalistic balance? Or do you intend to join the Register in their quest to further one political agenda?

Remember, Plato once said that “wisdom can only arise from the clash of contending views.”


Lake Forest

* We in the Fullerton area are deeply concerned about The Times’ inability to use a bipartisan approach while expressing political views. The last few issues of The Times have indeed run many articles favoring overwhelmingly the Republican Party.



* I enjoyed your series on Orange County Republicans at work and play. It has firmly reinforced my commitment to remain a Democrat.

Two gentlemen have said it better than I:

“There’s always been a danger in clawing at power because power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” --Lord Action, 19th century British historian.


“Our leaders are dismayingly mediocre.” --Isaac Asimov, 20th century biochemist, educator and writer.


Huntington Beach
