
Out of the Shadows, Into the Bull’s-Eye

<i> Associated Press</i>

He tried to stay Anonymous, but now he’s fodder for his fellow columnists.

Joe Klein, who confessed to writing “Primary Colors” after earlier denials, was awarded the National Society of Newspaper Columnists’ Sitting Duck Award on Saturday.

The award is given each year to the “target most useful to a columnist on a slow news day,” said society President Shelia Stroup of the New Orleans Times-Picayune.

“Now we all know that Joe Klein’s primary color is green,” Stroup said at the society’s annual convention.


Klein, a political columnist for Newsweek, had denied that he wrote the book, a fictionalized tale of the 1992 presidential primary campaign. He admitted being the author Wednesday only after the Washington Post identified him through handwriting analysis.
