
Building Permits Issued for Theater Complex


The city has issued building permits to a developer for the long-awaited six-screen movie theater on Camino del los Mares.

The $5.5-million complex will include a restaurant and shops and will be the city’s first multiscreen theater complex, with a capacity of about 1,260. It will be built on 2.4 acres across the street from the Ocean View Plaza shopping center.

The 43,000-square-foot development is expected to open by next summer, said Bob Goldin, principal planner.


“It has taken roughly 10 years to get to this point,” Goldin said.

In 1986, residents fought a plan by another developer for an 88,000-square-foot theater complex, which fell to the wayside after the project proved too expensive. Then in December 1996, the City Council approved Wilson’s scaled-down proposal.
