
Ernesto Zedillo


* With President Ernesto Zedillo at the helm, 70 years of graft and corruption continue to blight Mexico (“Zedillo’s Democracy Is a Sham,” by Adolfo Aguilar Zinser, Commentary, Sept. 4). He and the ruling elite continue to bribe voters and punish the opposition by denying them jobs and subsidies. Where is the much-heralded democracy? It doesn’t exist.

The sudden appearance of the People’s Revolutionary Army is a symptom of the anger and frustration of the poor, something Zedillo has never addressed. Now he will go on the attack. Determined to maintain the old system, he will have the military seek out and strike down members of the People’s Revolutionary Army, resulting in more bloodshed in that stricken land. And we will support him. We will label the revolutionaries as Communists and thus justify anything that might be done to them. One more mistake on our part.


