
Using Robots to Explore Mars


Re “Clinton Says Robots Will Explore Mars,” Sept 20:

It’s a good thing Bill Clinton wasn’t president when the Apollo program was being developed or we would still be waiting to put a man on the moon. I would like to see man on another planet in my lifetime. Unfortunately, if Clinton has his way it will never happen.

Whatever happened to man’s spirit of adventure? Under Clinton’s philosophy, the Wright brothers would have never flown, Lindbergh would never have made it to Paris and Armstrong never to the moon. All these events led to making America great. Likewise, all of them helped create industries here on Earth. Advancing science and man’s thinking leads to jobs and progress, stupid.

No great adventure is without risk. Instead of using his imagination, whereby he could have proposed a plan that could enlist the help of the whole world to place a man or woman on Mars, his is just “let’s send another robot into space.” Being a “me too” president will never make him great, no matter how many times he is elected.



San Clemente
