
Prop. 217


It is probably not news to anyone that taxes in California already are too high, so why should we expect that to be reflected in a story on Prop. 217? But in reporting on this $700-million tax increase (Oct. 7), wouldn’t it be fair to inform your readers that this measure would effectively give California the highest income tax rate in the nation?

Prop. 217 takes direct aim at the small businesses that are leading us out of the recession by creating 60% of the new jobs in our state. Eighty percent of California business firms pay personal, not corporate, income taxes.

No mention was made of the no-growth impact Prop. 217 would have on our state by freezing each city’s share of property tax revenue. That means growing cities could not count on increased property taxes to fund needed services. It would also kill the funding mechanism for redevelopment efforts throughout California.


Prop. 217 would be a nightmare and we can only hope you wake up in time to report the whole story before voters take to the polls.

I offer my opinion as a locally elected official. The City Council of the city of Lake Forest has not taken a position.


Mayor, Lake Forest
