
Taking a Virtual Tour of New York


A new high-tech attraction in Gotham promises to let visitors experience “all of New York in less than an hour,” with, presumably, zero chance of getting mugged.

“Show Me New York,” which begins advance public ticket sales Friday, blends live characters, historical replicas and high-definition video to provide a virtual tour of the city, its past and even its future, through a calender of upcoming events.

The project is the brainchild of David Niles, president of Nileshow Inc., which developed the facility at 42 E. 58th St.


“We wanted to bring visiting cities into the 21st century,” as an alternative to traditional tourist information centers, Niles says.

Visitors start the tour on the cobblestone streets of old New York, greeted by a police officer and other actors in costumes. They move to an auditorium, where, via big-screen video, they “fly” over the city, visit neighborhoods and ride a fire engine through heavy traffic, among other activities. Other areas give information on current events.

The attraction will be open 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, beginning Nov. 14. Tickets are $11.50 adults, $9 children under 12. For information, beginning Nov. 1: (800) 474-6963.
