
Daniel Ortega

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* It was with a sense of great irony that I read your editorial of Nov. 12, “Enough, Mr. Ortega.” I have been reading The Times with greater scrutiny ever since your hastily composed series regarding the CIA-Contra connection. Now you have the (expletive deleted) to call Daniel Ortega “petty,” after the most powerful nation on Earth (the U.S.) waged war against this tiny country for some 10 years. You call the election “essentially fair” and lecture Ortega on his refusal to concede defeat, calling on him to seek a “more constructive role.”

I see. Was U.S. funding of an unpopular, immoral and devastating war “constructive”? Oh, yes, that’s all in the past. We devastated that country, destroyed any hope of a healthy economy, so those in their right minds probably would not vote for Ortega for fear of calling down our wrath upon them again.


Oak View

* It ill befits a newspaper in Los Angeles to lecture Nicaraguans on their role in that tragic and misunderstood country. With no apology for our own years of support for deadly terrorists in that region (who, it now turns out, were harming L.A. through their drug dealing), how dare we turn around and lecture Nicaraguans about “reckless divisions”?



