
Library to Continue Getting County Funds


The city’s library branch is assured of continued county funding for the foreseeable future, according to City Manager Fred Maley.

Maley said County Librarian John M. Adams has written him to confirm that Villa Park will continue to get county funding for at least two days of library operation per week. The city is paying to keep the library open for two other days.

Maley said he needed to find out if the Villa Park library has a long-term future, because the City Council is considering construction of an addition to it.


“The City Council doesn’t want to build a library addition if the library is not going to be around much longer,” Maley said.

Adams’ letter also hinted that Villa Park’s branch library might get additional support later on.

“While the Jan. 1, 1997 allocation amount for Villa Park is only sufficient to support two days of library operation per week, we anticipate the continued economic recovery and augmentations provided by the city will allow a higher level of service to be offered at the Villa Park library,” Adams said.

The council repeatedly has said that keeping the library branch open is a major goal of city government.
