
Happy to Share Their Gain

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Book tours give William Wegman a headache.

“I’m kinda suffering from one right now,” the doggy photographer said recently while stumping for “Mother Goose” (Hyperion Books for Children) on the set of “Home & Family.”

Wegman, 54, prefers being home with the Weimaraners at the lakeside getaway in Maine or in New York City’s East Village. (Wegman, who is married, will be moving cross town to Chelsea.)

“I live vicariously through the dogs,” Wegman said. “When they’re running and chasing the ball, I get a really healthy feeling.” Sometimes Wegman, who does stretching routines for a bad back from hoisting the 80-pound bowwows, joins in.


One of his favorite games is playing baseball with doggy fielders Batty, Chundo, Chip and Crooky.

There’s also pooch tennis with Batty. “I just adore her,” Wegman said. “I have to hit the tennis balls really deep into the forest because she finds them and brings them back to me.”

Wegman and canines also enjoy their daily constitutional, although the dogs tend to hurry back for treats.


Wegman’s diet, on the other hand, hasn’t been much to trot home for.

He had been eating a lot of leftover baby-type food “like overcooked string beans because our 2-year-old didn’t eat very well.” Fortunately, baby Atlas is eating salmon and chicken now.

On his own, Wegman will have a muffin, juice and coffee for breakfast, a turkey sandwich for lunch and pasta for dinner. His vice is popcorn and the Weimaraners’ is Milk-Bones, but, “They don’t generally get treats while they’re working because it makes them drool.”

Guest Workout runs Wednesdays in Life & Style.
