
Holy Extra!:

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An inmate author does his best to save children from a life of crime.

An actress struggles to regain her life and livelihood after losing both legs in a crash.

The wife of a socially prominent attorney leaves her husband and children to marry a convicted murderer.

A wife-attorney defends her White House advisor-husband after he is photographed in the arms of another woman.

You met these remarkable people on the pages of Life & Style in 1996. Our writers and photographers took you into their worlds for a moment, to ponder their dilemmas and learn about what makes them tick.


And then, because the news is the news, they vanished from our view.

But their stories did not end once you had read about them. Here, we catch up with several of 1996’s most memorable people.


Corky Parks’ career as an extra began early one morning in 1972, when he was homeless and sleeping beneath cardboard in downtown Los Angeles.

A truck squeezing its way through an alley nearly ran over him, and after bolting to his feet, Parks watched as workers unloaded the truck and the film crew began setting up.


He saw people costumed to look dirty and ragged. He discovered they were being paid and fed for looking homeless. It was something he figured he could do, so after lurking about and watching them film, he walked to Hollywood, where he signed up to be an extra.

He has appeared in hundreds of TV shows and movies. Now 45, he recently worked on the Warner Bros. production of “Batman and Robin,” starring George Clooney. His role was that of a homeless person.

He also has written a script for a Western comedy. So far, no takers.
