
Comedians’ Presidential ‘Satire’ Shows Lack of Respect

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Yes! In “Whatever Happened to Hail to the Chief?” (Counterpunch, Dec. 23) Steve Hammel said it for all of us who find the flagrant disrespect for the highest office in this land deplorable.

Whatever faults or shortcomings the holder of that office may or may not have while he (or she, someday!) is in office, he officially represents over 260 million Americans in the international arena.

The president and the vice president are status symbols, if you will, of our country. By virtue of the offices to which they were elected, they stand front and center on the world stage, representing the values that America has always stood for. Yes, freedom of speech is one of those values that America has always stood for, but using it to tear down the very structure that supports that constitutional right is a sad symptom of the downward spiraling of public decorum and decency.


I for one, want to be proud of my country. Yes, I’m an unabashed flag waver. I want and expect my United States to be a world leader. How can we expect other countries to respect our leadership if we do not respect our own government? If we do not honor the institutions that thousands fought to create and maintain, why should Russia or China or any other country respect us?

Thousands of Americans gave their lives in a revolution to create the government of the United States. Thousands more lost their lives in a Civil War to preserve its unity. No matter what their personal or political beliefs, don’t the Norm McDonalds, the Jay Lenos and the Dennis Millers care about the image of our United States of America?

It’s time for those of us who may not be so glib with the insults and the sarcasm as the “entertainers,” to speak up and let them know, “We are not amused.” Thank you, Steve Hammel, for doing it so well!



Los Angeles


Never mind that it was unfunny and he’s the president of our country; why on Earth would TV (even “adult” TV) do a sketch about anyone masturbating with a bagel?


San Clemente


Steve Hammel’s piece was right on point regarding Jay Leno’s grossly poor taste and the outrageous imagery of his Clinton jokes. Leno’s monologues contribute to the present decline of civility and respect in our society, perhaps even lead it.

This is a nonpartisan opinion, as I didn’t vote for Clinton.

I too watched Carson and now long for a host with his sensibility. We should form a Television Academy of Poor Taste with an annual award show.


Leno is sure to get the first award.


Morro Bay
