
Students Jump Rope to Raise Funds for the Heart Assn.


Although the participants were a little young for romance, it was still a Valentine’s Day dedicated to the heart at Noble Avenue School.

About 1,000 students from the North Hills elementary school participated Friday in the American Heart Assn.’s “Jump Rope for Heart” fund-raiser, an event geared toward physical rather than emotional fitness.

“In addition to raising money for the heart association, the children jump to promote a healthy diet and exercise for the heart,” said Sunny Franklin, a third- and fourth-grade teacher at Noble and the event coordinator.


“The children really love it. Everyone gets involved and it’s a great school event. Even the assistant principal is jumping,” Franklin said.

Sure enough, backed by the pop band the Romantics’ 1980s hit song, “What I Like About You,” Assistant Principal Selma Sullivan took a turn with the rope.

“We really approach this event from a health education point of view,” said Sullivan, adding that many of the school’s students studied about the heart in class the past few weeks. “We try to teach the kids about good, healthy habits.”

Friday marked the fourth consecutive year that Jump Rope for Heart has been held at Noble. Administrators said the event would raise about $1,500 for the heart association.

As soon as the music began, hundreds upon hundreds of looping ropes filled the air. Some students took it slow, practicing their timing and footwork while more experienced jumpers showed off their speed and creativity.

“I can do crisscross and backwards and forwards and go really fast,” said 8-year-old Dimitrius Mikhail, displaying his technique. “It’s fun when you go fast.”


“We learned that jumping is good for your heart,” said Britney Turner, 8, an expert at Double-Dutch, in which the jumper must time two ropes swung in opposite directions. “But I just like to do it because it’s fun.”
