
Gay, Lesbian Activists ‘Take Pride’


About 450 gays and lesbians gathered Saturday at the Disneyland Pacific Hotel to honor activists, businesses, health-care agencies and supportive family members.

The fourth annual Take Pride Awards Celebration brought together membership from more than 40 gay, lesbian and AIDS and HIV support organizations from throughout Orange County that are tethered under an umbrella organization known as the Federation.

“This is an excellent opportunity to show our community who we are,” said Althea Ingram, who won an award for her work with volunteers. “This is what we do best, support each other.”


The Take Pride Awards were launched in 1993 at a community center in Costa Mesa to posthumously fulfill the dream of Dennis Caberet, a popular gay rights advocate who envisioned the banquet but died of AIDS before the first event.

“His vision was to honor the unsung heroes,” said Costa Mesa City Councilwoman Libby Cowan, who hosted this year’s event. “He wanted a way to honor the background people.”

Many of the 25 awards, clear acrylic triangles, were given to those whom Caberet wanted to recognize. Presentations were made not only to gay activists and volunteers but to their partners.

“He’s getting the award for family support because I am a major activist and he’s getting an award for his support of me,” said Tom Peterson of Newport Beach, referring to his companion, Jim Albright.

Many of those at the event said county residents increasingly have become more tolerant of gays and lesbians in recent years, an attitude that makes it easier to be “out” or forthright about sexual orientation.

Still, there is much work to be done, and the activism is not expected to fade until tolerance becomes more universal, said Douglas Fielding, an event organizer.


“All of this would be unnecessary if gay people throughout the county came out of the closet,” said Fielding.
