
Gun Rights


* I am deeply offended by Conrad’s Feb. 20 cartoon (“America’s ‘well-regulated militia’ ”). As a gun owner, a member of the NRA, a military weapons instructor and a 20-year member of the “well-regulated militia” that the cartoon defames, I chastise your newspaper for printing such trash. Maybe it’s time that you started running some material on the Constitution of the United States and the 2nd Amendment to it.

It is the right of members of this nation to bear arms and it is also the responsibility of our law enforcement to take the criminal element out of society. All too often I hear about criminal rights (what hogwash!) and the blaspheming of the honest citizen who also accepts the responsibilities associated with private gun ownership. As for the “well-regulated militia,” if it weren’t for people like me, you would have lost your 1st Amendment rights long ago.


