
DNC Donor Probes, ‘Soft Money’

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Thank you for the laugh of the day. The story about Sen. Fred Thompson (R-Tenn.) and his own problems with campaign donors (“GOP’s Point Man in Donor Probe Knows Big Money,” Feb. 20) tickled my funny bone!

So now again we have the fox guarding the chicken coop. Aesop and his tales will never lose their luster. Ah, me, how far and fast holier-than-thou politicians fall. I love it!


Costa Mesa

In 1986, Barry Goldwater, for whom I was county chairman back in Texas in 1964, stated, “This is no longer a government of the people, but of the moneyed interests.” Now, we hear reports that “soft money” buying access to our political process has tripled just in the last four years; $141 million to Republicans, with the heaviest givers being the cigarette industry, and $128 million to Democrats, some from fuzzy sources. The prostitution of our political process keeps growing.


There are two simple answers that we as citizens can provide. First, we can stop voting with our dollars for the companies and products that are taking away our health and our freedoms. Second, we can vote out of office all politicians of both parties who refuse to enact solid campaign reform laws.


