
Clinton-Gore Fund-Raising


Cal Thomas is concerned that the electorate has become “ethically obtuse” to so-called lapses by Bill Clinton and Al Gore (Column Right, March 6). Like all good Republicans, Thomas has forgotten that Ronald Reagan and George Bush were a pretty effective opening act in setting the skewed moral tone of the presidency. Do the words “Iran-Contra” ring a bell? How about the S&L; scandal? And of course, Thomas surely believes that Bush always employed the highest standards in fund-raising.

Americans don’t pay attention because they have a pretty clear understanding of the Washington game and it has nothing to do with an effort to solve fund-raising problems or any other serious issue. It’s all about nailing your political opponent. Clinton and Gore may not be perfect but they are certainly no worse than their predecessors or the members of the current Congress.


Long Beach

Vice President Gore had the unmitigated gall to throw into the faces of the American people the astonishing claim that he and President Clinton are exempt from existing law prohibiting the use of federal government property in the solicitation of political contributions (March 4).


Could his brazen behavior be fueled by polls that show the majority of Americans aren’t upset by the scandals besieging this administration and by the resistance of Atty. Gen. Janet Reno to make the needed appointment of an independent counsel to investigate this disgraceful mess? What a sorry period in the history of this nation!


Paso Robles

I have listened carefully to the Democratic Party’s explanation of the fund-raising “scandal” that took place in the last election. My understanding of their explanation is:

* In spite of the fact that Clinton, Gore, Harold Ickes and others on the White House staff broke laws by soliciting in the White House on the public payroll, it was a nonevent.

* They are returning many questionable (in their eyes) donation and are thus clean again.

* The hypocrisy of their opposition means it is unfair to question the intent of the entire Democratic Party fund-raising program.

The substance of the Democratic Party explanation is that this entire episode was caused by the Republican Party. Perhaps the Democrats in Congress would vote funds to investigate Republican fund-raising in previous elections.


Newport Beach

The acronym “FOB” now carries three meanings in the Asian American community: 1) “Friends of Bill”--those Arkansas cronies, real insiders, fat cats, influence-peddlers who get to sleep in the Lincoln Bedroom, get their actual quid pro quo political favors from Clinton; 2) “Fools of Bill”--those Asian American supporters of Clinton and the DNC who stupidly worked their butts off raising campaign funds, getting out the vote and naively believed they belong to the “Friends of Bill” circle when all they got was coffee, were not included among the 938 overnighters at the Lincoln Bedroom, got demonized as “foreign” spies, now are are being audited by the DNC and subpoenaed by Congress for their donations; and 3) “Fresh Off the Boat”--those Asian fixers, kibitzers, opportunists, hustlers, lobbyists, influence-peddlers who believe in “guanxi politics,” affiliated with the Winnercratic Party, who have always believed in buying what they need, including politicians, Gucci shoes and Mercedes-Benzes.



San Francisco

The funding tactics used by Clinton are at most tacky. After all, with all of his intelligence, he is still “small town.” Now as president he is following the example set by most politicians in Washington and elsewhere. Money runs the country. At least this president cares about people.


Woodland Hills

Campaign contributions from foreign companies are outrageous. It is about time that we keep political influence-buying, graft and corruption where it rightfully belongs--with American companies.



Re “Thanked With an Insult,” editorial, March 3: Of course I agree with your editorial condemning the shameful way the DNC treated Asian Americans, but I was bemused because you totally ignored the greater crime committed by mainstream media like The Times in their irresponsible reporting of this sordid episode. Your reporting of the story was sensational at best and was designed to exploit the “foreignness” of Asian Americans.

I would like to see you devote the same amount of energy investigating who slept in the Lincoln’s Bedroom, how much each contributed, what business each is engaging in, what influence each attempts to exert, and don’t forget to find out where each was born and if they visited any foreign countries or have ties with any business or entities that may have a foreign interest.

