
Diane Watson


Re “With No Apologies, Watson Fights On,” March 16: As a college student government leader, I have searched for women in politics to whose roles I may aspire--women who speak the truth, stand on the front lines firm in their beliefs and know firsthand the plight of our citizens.

State Sen. Diane Watson (D-Los Angeles) embodies conviction. Her work for women, children and families is crucial, dispelling the deadly myths about those receiving public assistance. She sees the lack of opportunities, training and child care. I fight these same battles on a college campus, trying to help student parents get through school. Thousands are being adversely affected by welfare reform and won’t get the education they need to succeed.

How fortunate California is to have a leader like Watson who sees that the strengthening of the underprivileged makes us all stronger.



Student Trustee

Santa Monica College


The article on Watson begins with the quote: “I’m a liberal big-spending, Democrat, female African American. Take me or leave me. That’s who I am.” I have no problem with self-definition. My problem is with her definition of UC Regent Ward Connerly.

Your article states that Watson “suggested” that Connerly married a white woman because he “wants to be white . . .[and] has no ethnic pride.” This from a woman who has let it be known that she hopes to be appointed to a diplomatic post when her state Senate term expires! The irony is that she is seeking appointment in Africa or the Caribbean: former European-controlled colonies with black majority populations. We must not only be grateful for her warning; we must also be alert if and when a confirmation process begins. Her view of the world has no place in any ambassadorial post as a representative of the U.S.


Granada Hills
