
Group Recognizes Officer’s Sacrifice


What price valor? This question has evoked resentment, sorrow and unintended distress upon the family of Deputy Peter Aguirre. The Peace Officers Assn. of Ventura County sought to establish an ultimate award for the ultimate sacrifice of a peace officer. In doing so, emotions were high and the intent of the award was lost before being put on paper. Words were stated and printed that left the Aguirre family feeling as if Peter’s sacrifice did not deserve the association’s highest award. This was never the intent of the board and for that the Aguirre family deserves the most heartfelt apology.

Opinions have been varied and have been noted, but the only opinion that should be addressed is that of the family. It was never the intent of the association to bring pain to the family, but to honor Peter Aguirre. Compassion and fraternity should be weighed and balanced when dealing with such delicate issues and not just perceived factual accounts. Mistakes in judgment will be made by humans, but humans can learn from their mistakes, take responsibility for them and correct them.

Our first and foremost concern is the emotional and physical well-being of the Aguirre family. The Police Officers Assn. recognizes the sacrifice of Peter Aguirre and wishes to relieve any undue emotional trauma to his loved ones. To this end we will strive to meet with the family and resolve this issue. It is the association’s sincere wishes that we will never again have to deal with the death of one of our brethren and the sorrow it brings to family and friends.


It is time to begin the process of healing for all of us but especially for the Aguirre family.


Oxnard Police Department

Police Officers Assn.

of Ventura County,

Board President
