
U.S. to Link Drug Fight, Assistance

Associated Press

Two senior U.S. officials say President Clinton will link the fight against drugs to helping develop tiny Caribbean economies dwarfed by the resources of drug traffickers.

Clinton’s drug czar, Gen. Barry R. McCaffrey, and his special counselor for the Americas, Thomas “Mack” McLarty, said the administration will work to increase trade opportunities for Caribbean countries.

But they offered no new money to supplement slumped U.S. aid to the region at talks ending Saturday to set an agenda for the first summit of U.S. and Caribbean leaders.


Prime Minister Owen Arthur of Barbados indicated the link could introduce a new phase in relations between the U.S. and Caribbean nations, which have felt ignored by Washington after the Cold War.

“Our deliberations . . . very often breaking new ground . . . have been enthused by the sense that we are looking to build a new partnership with the United States,” Arthur said.
