
Clinton Picking Woman to Head Troubled FAA

<i> Associated Press</i>

President Clinton said Wednesday that he plans to fill the long-vacant post of administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration with Jane Garvey, the first woman to head the embattled agency.

The acting administrator of the Federal Highway Administration, Garvey is being nominated to replace David Hinson, who resigned as FAA chief last November.

Clinton said he will nominate as Garvey’s deputy George Donohue, the FAA’s associate administrator for research and acquisitions. Linda Hall Daschle, Hinson’s deputy, left in January.


The agency has been the focus of scrutiny for its handling of airline safety issues, particularly after the ValuJet crash last year in Florida, and for delays in upgrading air traffic control systems.

Garvey’s selection had been widely expected. She reportedly was favored by Transportation Secretary Rodney Slater, whom she served as deputy when he was federal highway administrator.
