
Council to Consider Hiring Consultants


The City Council today will consider choosing three consultants to begin studying the potential for redevelopment of El Toro Road.

The initial analysis of redevelopment options would cost $85,000 if the council decides to hire the outside companies.

Long discussed and long awaited, the El Toro Project Area Revitalization Plan would target 856 acres in an area plagued by traffic congestion and rising business vacancy rates.


City officials favor molding the area into a town center that will attract residents, but beyond that basic concept, “everything is up in the air,” Councilman Peter Herzog said. “We’re willing to look at any idea--the more ideas the better.”

The city planning staff recommends hiring San Francisco-based Sedway Group to do a marketing study along with a preliminary performance measurement of the project. The planning firm would also conduct community workshops and propose redevelopment options.

PMW Associates of San Clemente and Los Angeles-based KMG Consulting would handle financial analysis and negotiations with potential developers under the staff proposal.

The firms were selected after interviews with 13 companies that had expressed interest in the project.

The council will meet at 7 p.m. in City Hall, 23161 Lake Center Drive. Information: (714) 461-3400.
