
City to Study Need for Golf Facilities


The City Council has voted to hire a consultant to size up Ventura’s golf needs and draw up a long-term plan to provide ample courses, greens and driving ranges for local golfers.

The vote was 5 to 0, with Councilman Steve Bennett absent and Mayor Jack Tingstrom excusing himself because he is a consultant to Zeke Avila and Sons, the family that manages the city-owned Olivas Park golf course.

The study is expected to cost $30,000 to $60,000.

City officials hope the study will help them decide whether to build an additional course near the corner of Harbor Boulevard and Olivas Park Drive.


The study will also conduct surveys of golfers and evaluate existing golf facilities in the city.

Several council members questioned the cost.

“I agree that golf is a growing sport, and it’s been sort of stagnant in Ventura,” Councilman Gary Tuttle said. But he said he is concerned that a study would repeat ideas that are already being thrown around in the golf community--computerized reservations, more driving ranges or another golf course.

“It seems like a lot of money to pay to have someone come back and tell us that,” he said.

However, Public Works Director Ron Calkins said the study would give advice on how to improve existing municipal courses, how to operate them better and how to expand them. He also pointed out that the money will come from a municipal fund earmarked to promote golf in the city.
