
Twilighters, Unite!


I read Brian Lowry’s infuriating piece about sponsors blatantly discriminating against CBS simply because it appeals to viewers over 50 (“CBS Faces an Age-Old Problem,” Dec. 9). I am 33 myself but I am deeply offended by this.

I don’t know anyone my age or younger who has the financial resources of middle-aged baby boomers. In fact, most people don’t even move out of their parents’ homes until they are well into their 20s because they cannot afford to do so.

This policy of ignoring viewers over 50 is both unfair and stupid. I wish older Americans would fight against sponsors by organizing an economic boycott. If affluent middle-aged citizens stopped buying all of these products advertised on television, the sponsors would realize that they are the ones who have the real purchasing power, not those Generation Xers who are struggling to just pay the rent.


Older Americans have had great success when they put pressure on politicians. I think they can have the same success dealing with these arrogant, ignorant sponsors if they will just make the effort.


La Mirada

Lowry’s article prompts this over-65 reader to suggest that if any of the networks would feature daytime shows such as “The Young and the Rest of Us,” “All My Grandchildren” and “The Old and the Dutiful,” viewer response would be phenomenal and sales of advertised products would soar.


