
‘King’ Jes’ Dandy, Shore ‘Nuff


Last Saturday, Ma ‘n’ me got all dressed up in our Sunday best and moseyed on over to that there Orange County Performing Arts place to see that “King and I” show. And tarnation if your Mister Don Shirley critic man warn’t right, ‘cause the place was filled with rubes jes’ lak us. But meanin’ no disrespect, we shore warn’t too happy ‘bout some of them thangs Mister Shirley said about the show (“ ‘The King’ and Hayley Mills,” Dec. 4). Fact is, we found that “King and I” show jes’ plain dandy. Shore, that li’l miz Hayley gal from all them Disney movies, now she don’ always sing all polished lak one of them big city cafe chantoosies--naw, she jes’ sings with lots of gumption an’ grit an’ heart, that’s all. And dang, if we warn’t such big ol’ Orange County rubes, we’d swear that’s what playin’ Mrs. Anna is all about anyway . . . and just what we came to see.


Rancho Santa Margarita
