
Gas Tank Blast Kills 1, Hospitalizes 1

From Associated Press

An explosion that shook windows and rocked the ground for blocks killed one man and critically burned another as they finished installing a protective liner on an empty underground gasoline tank, authorities said.

Todd Geren was trapped inside the 6,000-gallon fuel tank at a Shell station when gas fumes ignited at 6:23 p.m. Thursday. He was found 15 feet below the surface about 90 minutes later and subsequently died.

Geren, 26, of Lake Tahoe, suffered severe internal burns from breathing extremely hot air, authorities said.


“It was just a massive explosion,” said Ed Kaleff, who was leaving his home when he saw a 30-foot flame shoot into the air. Neighbors said the blast rattled windows and shook the ground.

The other worker, who was standing outside the tank, was burned over 80% of his body, officials said.

The burn victim was unidentified. Two other workers escaped unharmed.
