
David W. Long


“I’ve always seen my strength as being the behind-the-scenes person. I’m a technician, and I’m very good at it.”

AGE: 56

HOME: Ventura

PROFESSION: Ventura County Superior Court Judge

LATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT: Long was elevated to the Superior Court last month, continuing a rapid career climb. A former insurance claims adjuster, Long earned his law degree in 1983. He was appointed a court commissioner by local judges in 1993 and elevated by Gov. Pete Wilson to the Municipal Court in 1995. After just two years in that position, Long was appointed to the Superior Court.

GOALS FOR 1998: Long hopes to hone his skills as a judge while continuing to preside over civil trials and settlement conferences. As the assistant managing civil judge, Long will also take over some administrative responsibilities such as assigning cases to other judges. The courts must resolve 85% of the civil cases within a year of filing, and Long has already been successful at meeting those demands, he said. His other goals include improving the court experience for the public.
