
Hippo Hype


If the Sparkletts water people have their way, after Thursday’s Rose Parade you’ll never look quite the same way at a hippo. Besides the wholesome Dumbo feeling the African mammals evoke, Sparkletts hopes to add to the mix this snappy acronym--Hydration Information Program to Prevent Overindulgence. Sparkletts’ 35-foot float will feature two card-playing, flower-adorned hippos named Carmen and Bertha. Drinking water can curb the appetite and help flush out the system, though this practice has your average hippo weighing in at a svelte 2 tons.

Plain Food

Ever crave a low-fat or vegetarian meal at 30,000 feet? Apparently, members of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine have--and they’ve done something about it. For the third year, the Washington D.C.-based group has ranked the airlines for availability of healthier foods. United Airlines finished first with entrees that include a cholesterol-free, mushroom-filled ravioli in marinara sauce served with zucchini, yellow squash and a carrot medley. If only the docs could get the airlines to improve the taste of its fatty entrees, then we’d really be getting somewhere.

Oh, Dear

When a hunter stalks the woods, it’s not just the deer who is in mortal danger--so is the hunter. According to a recent study at William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, Mich., hunters in bad physical shape are at risk for cardiac complications, including heart attacks, as a result of a reaction known as “buck fever.” The condition is characterized by a dramatic and sudden rise in heart rate when a hunter kills or even just spots a deer. (One hunter’s heart rate rose from 78 to 168 beats per minute after seeing a deer.) We guess Darwin was right. It really comes down to survival of the fittest.


Going for the Gold

Brace face. Metal mouth. Silver mine. Color them nicknames of the past. An estimated 15% of orthodontic patients are opting for the golden look instead of the traditional stainless steel to correct their crooked teeth. The gold-colored braces cost about the same as the traditional ones, but more important, orthodontists say, the gold better matches rings, necklaces, earrings, eyeglasses and watches. Yeah, but what do you do if you’re into turquoise jewelry?
