
McCoy’s Return Affects Lineup


The return of Jelani McCoy from suspension does create one mini-dilemma for Coach Steve Lavin: What do you do about freshman guard Earl Watson, who has performed so well getting about 35 minutes a game?

Lavin says, at least at the outset, that he will not have a concrete five-man lineup, that the rotation will evolve during the conference season.

“I don’t know what I’m going to do--I’m going to go game-to-game with it, look at matchups, look at situations to determine it,” Lavin said.


Watson, though, has been homesick for his family in Kansas most of this season--he has returned at least twice for quick visits--which has been soothed by his playing time.

“I think Earl’s worried the most,” fellow freshman Billy Knight said. “He’s used to starting. When Kris and Jelani come back, he’s going to go down, and it’s going to make him think about home some more.”
