
Jack Davis


* I read the story about Jack Davis (“A Political Bad Boy’s Lament,” June 25) with great interest. As a San Francisco resident of 12 years, I have been confounded and confused by Davis’ ability to jump sides at a whim (or should I say at the chase of a dollar?). However, Davis is not the problem, he’s only part of the problem. The problem is the American political system that allows such people to exist with such influence. Something is seriously wrong when the outcome of a campaign is based not on substance, but on who is either running the campaign or who raised the most money.

When the public wakes up to the reality that people do not make political contributions without expecting something in return (and when millions of dollars are spent on a campaign, there are going to be major payoffs), we might see campaign reform. Until then, money will have more influence on American politics than morality. And yes, there is a serious immorality in spending $2 million on a campaign when so many social services are disappearing from our lives.

While I’m glad Davis finally sees this immorality, I’m so tired of his ilk being latter-day nice guys after raping and pillaging our society.



San Francisco
