
Versace Murder


It is incongruous to me that Andrew Cunanan was able to get as far as he did before everyone awakened to the fact that this man was on a murder spree.

This man murdered four people in three states and was traveling in very conspicuous stolen vehicles--a Lexus and a red pickup truck. Apparently, nobody was looking very hard until Gianni Versace became a victim. As I watch and read the coverage of this most recent murder several things come to mind:

Were the lives of the other four people who were murdered of such little value that they did not deserve the attention? Was it because it was a gay situation?


If Versace had just been another average gay man would the media and police be as active as they are being today? Had the FBI been as active in trying to find this man after the first two murders perhaps Versace might be alive today.



Your July 16 background story on Cunanan states: “In 1995, Cunanan was frequently seen in the company of a 61-year-old architect and interior designer. The man was bludgeoned to death with an obelisk. A drifter with mental problems was later convicted of the crime, but police now say they would like to interview Cunanan.”

Obviously, the police now have serious doubts about the guilt of the man who is presently in prison. If he is not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, why haven’t the police and prosecutors withdrawn the charges and arranged for his release from prison?


