
Sermons by Black Preachers Published

From Times wire reports

A new quarterly is devoted to the sermons and writings of black preachers. The journal’s editor says it will be the first of its kind.

The Rev. David Albert Farmer, pastor of University Baptist Church in Baltimore, who is white, said he has long been attracted by the power and beauty of black preaching.

“There never has been a magazine for black preachers, either to emphasize it or to help black preachers prepare sermons by giving them ideas, or showing them what their colleagues are doing,” Farmer said.


He sought a black preacher who would serve as co-editor. Farmer turned to Kirk Byron Jones of Andover Newton Theological School near Boston. After a year of planning, they have produced the first issue of the African American Pulpit.

Published by Valley Forge, Pa.-based Judson Press, the journal features nine sermons, book reviews and an interview with the Rev. Henry H. Mitchell, considered one of the deans of African American preachers.
