
smart aleck


The question Sept. 28: The University of California is considering a proposal to stop using SAT scores. What tests or standards would you suggest as an improvement?


Essay questions: “What passionate topic is your reason to learn in college, and how will it enhance the planet, yourself and the culture?

(If the answer is to “find big money,” run ‘em out!)

Or, essay question: “What did Bill Gates do correctly. And, why?”

Barbara B. Donner, Riverside


First of all, let’s waive all admission requirements and give out diplomas at a first of the school year preregistration barbecue. This will clear out a lot of confusion and the students can go directly to the real world and try to get a job.


Gary Wood, West Covina


I don’t think any kind of test will be a better improvement. There is absolutely too much pressures on us teenagers these days, another test for us to worry about is the last thing that we would want.


I commend the UC regents for encouraging high school students to lower their standards by the elimination or substitution of the SATs. I didn’t know such a brilliant group of people could collaborate and come up with such a fantastic idea. That’s just the way to motivate kids to work up to their potential! But in whose best interest is this ingenious proposal: the students or the UC regents?

Minta Ershaghi, Palos Verdes Estates


SAT tests only prove whether you can take a test or not. Admissions should be judged on students’ GPA and command of the English language. Everyone should be treated equally! (With no exceptions.)

T. Bettencourt, Pasadena


If you sufficiently dumb down textbooks, lectures, quizzes, mid-terms and finals, you’ll have institutions of lesser learning. Then you won’t need standards for admission.

David Zoellner, Laguna Hills
