
Teasley Defended and Criticized


The letter “Conflict of Interest Builds in Moorpark” by Roger Mortara published Oct. 6 referred to what I assume is my restaurant location, implying that Councilwoman Debbie Teasley had helped me obtain city funds to benefit my building.

I have never received or applied for any funds of any type from the City of Moorpark. Furthermore, Teasley did not represent me in the purchase of this building and has repeatedly stepped down from participating in any discussion or voting at council meetings to avoid any appearance of a conflict of interest with regard to plans to develop a fine dining restaurant at this location.

I certainly hope that Mortara’s comments in the future are more carefully researched and that he is honorable enough to apologize for his leap to accuse.


It is hard enough to get a business started in this city. We certainly don’t need destructive, obstructive and ill-founded comments that tarnish the good names and reputations of people trying to help create something beautiful in the downtown Moorpark area.

BOB SOFSKY, Moorpark


Recently, Mayor Pat Hunter proposed an ordinance that for the first time would charge fees on new development to benefit the Moorpark Library.

Since the state stopped funding libraries five years ago, our library has become impoverished. Last year the book budget was 3 cents per resident compared with Thousand Oaks’ book budget of $5.54 per resident.

It came as no surprise that Councilwoman Debbie Teasley voted against this ordinance since she has repeatedly shown by her votes that she is more concerned with furthering the interests of the developers than those of the residents of Moorpark. I was surprised and disappointed that Bernardo Perez also voted against it.

There will be a final vote on the measure at the City Council meeting on Oct. 15. This ordinance is our last hope for an adequate library in Moorpark. If you want a better library, please attend the meeting or call the City Council members at 529-6864, Ext. 222, and urge them to vote yes.

