
Jerry Lewis Telethon Nets $50.5 Million

From Times wire services

Singers, dancers, comedians, impersonators and celebrities helped Jerry Lewis bring in a record $50.5 million during the 32nd annual muscular dystrophy telethon that ended Monday.

Last year, $49.1 million was raised, and Lewis urged viewers throughout this year’s 21 1/2-hour telethon to bring in “just $1 more.”

“The American people have set a new standard in expressing love and caring,” said Lewis, who is the national chairman of the Muscular Dystrophy Assn.


This year’s telethon, broadcast by about 200 TV stations nationwide from CBS Television City in Los Angeles, featured performers from the musical “Ragtime” and a taped number from “Riverdance.” Celebrities including Tony Danza, Charo and Jerry Springer also urged pledges.

The Muscular Dystrophy Assn. funds research into the genetic muscle-wasting disease.
